Instagram is testing a “Save Draft” feature

If your Instagrams are works of art that take more than a few moments to finesse, you’ll appreciate a new feature that may soon be coming to Instagram: “Save Draft.” The option is something many Instagram users have wanted for quite a while, but has not yet rolled out to the entire Instagram user base. If you have it, however, you’ll see the option to save your work when you hit the “Back” button.

Typically, going backwards in the app would discard your edits – something that a new dialog box will remind you of, before showing you the option to “Save Draft” instead.

Some Instagram users reported seeing this feature appear on their accounts this July, and many more have been getting the option this month, as indicated by their numerous (and excited) tweets.

Yes, people are pretty excited for this little setting, as it turns out.

However, it appears that this rollout was just a test – in fact, one user even complained
that they used to have the feature, then it disappeared again. The horror! That indicates Instagram was running A/B testing, rather than something that was being rolled out to the public in stages. Those tests don’t appear to be limited to the U.S., though, as people in other markets
have also seen “Save Draft” appear.

But don’t get your hopes up yet. We confirmed with the company that “Save Draft” is just an experiment for the time being, unfortunately.

“We’re always testing new ways to improve the Instagram experience,” an Instagram spokesperson told us. The company declined to provide further details.

That being said, given that literally every single tweet about this feature’s arrival is filled with joyous praise, it’s hard to imagine that Instagram won’t choose to take this option to the public in the future.

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