Microsoft’s new Surface Plus program lets you upgrade your PC every 18 months

Upgrading computers is an expensive hassle. Microsoft wants to make it less so if you’re buying on of its Surface PCs.

The company today introduced a new Surface Plus program that lets you pay off your computer in 24-month installments with zero percent interest if paid off in time (19.99 percent otherwise). It’s basically the same thing phone carriers do in the US.

More interesting is the ability to upgrade your computer after 18 months. Hand in your old computer in working condition, and you can start a new payment plan six months early.

As with similar smartphone programs, you might technically save more money by just selling your old computer online, but it’s up to you to decide whether that’s worth the trouble. It’s a welcome option that should make the Surface line’s sticker shock a little more palatable. For Microsoft, it’s an easy way to keep people buying its hardware

The program is only available at and Microsoft Stores in the US for now. There’s also a business model with more flexible terms, which you can check out at the source link below.

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