Latest ISO 8 News

Gregory and Oscar in: The Struggling Rookie Blues

His ISO for the season is a wretched .074, which is sub-Jon Jay (.090 ISO), the poster boy for the unbearable emptiness of average. On the other hand, things have definitely been looking up for Oscar of late, even if still much more slowly than we …

Clemson Defense Xs and Os Preview

We did better on iso, power, and zone read this year but, I'm concerned that we will be worse at LBs filling the correct gap without Shuey in there. On the …. The kind of Robber that Venables was running, at times, was basically a 4-4, with 8 men in …

Tank truck fire: Photo of the Day

"I had photographed Saints training camp in the morning and still had one of our 400mm f2.8 pool lenses with me." This one was my favorite. The elongated shape combined with the juxtaposition of the truck and firefighter make for a compelling image.

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