Latest IPod Nano News

Bono criticizes Apple for being 'annoyingly quiet' about raising M for

iPod nano
For his part, Ive noted that Apple has partnered with (RED) since 2006, when its first (RED) product, an iPod nano, was released. The company's lead designer noted that Apple now sells "well over a half a dozen" items that contribute money to The …

Guilford Co. student wins new car at event honoring community service

iPod nano
Henry also won an iPod nano, one of 45 Apple prizes raffled off. The event honors members of the class of 2014 who have earned a service-learning diploma or exemplary award. Henry was one of more than 450 students who recorded at least 250 hours of …

Major iWatch Details Appear

iPod nano
Interestingly, a 2.5 inch diagonal screen puts it in the same size range as the current generation iPod nano, which would actually be quite a large device to mount on the wrist. However a curved, rather than flat, screen will likely make the iWatch …

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