DoubleTwist app enables iTunes Radio recording on a Mac

iTunes ( Startup Message
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I run iTunes on a WinXP VM to act as my sort of iTunes server.

It uses their Home Sharing feature to sync iTunes libraries from my other machines (which I often turn off or am doing other things on). This lets me keep a single central consolidated copy of all my iTunes media, and makes storing it on my file server run relatively well too.

I further benefit by being able to use my iTunes VM to stream my iTunes content to my Airport Express and to my AppleTV. This is handy.

However, the whole setup is a bit hindered on reboots of the VM, as iTunes starts up and waits on the above warning message. I took this screenshot and referenced it in a feature request I’ve sent to Apple’s iTunes gang in hopes they’ll add a command line switch to disable this (or even a checkbox for "Never annoy me with this message again, ever.") Hopefully they’ll be inclined to help me out with this – an obscure request, but as a bit of an iTunes power user, it’d at the very least help me demo their stuff all working together rather nicely..

DoubleTwist app enables iTunes Radio recording on a Mac

The $ 9.99 (£5.99) app acts as an AirPlay receiver, allowing users to stream music to it as they would a wireless speaker system or Apple TV from iTunes, recording the music in real time. Apple's free, ad-supported iTunes Radio is currently available in …

Image by PiAir (Old Skool)
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