Apple Pay is helping re-ignite another round of Burger Wars

When Apple announced that Apple Pay would be accepted by McDonalds locations across the land Burger King must have been feeling pretty left out. So much so, in fact, that the well known eatery chain went and got itself a new significant other in the form of PayPal. The payment giant revealed today during the Money2020 conference in Las Vegas that it is teaming up with the second largest burger brand in the world to launch a new mobile payment service.

The deal is a bold response to the announced partnership between Apple and McDonalds, and it will be interesting to see how it pans out. With McDonalds being the biggest fast food chain in the world, not to mention Apple already feeling upbeat about Apple Pay’s adoption after just the first couple of weeks, Burger King and PayPal will surely have their work cut out for them when the mobile payment option launches early in 2015.

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