photoshop_touch3-300x225iPhones have been dominating the world market for smart phones since their launch, and no wonder. These amazing cellular devices from Apple have given the term smart phone a whole new definition. With their lovely sleek shapes, great touch and advanced technology, iPhones are a must have for any tech geek.

If you are the proud owner of an iPhone 5 then you know what you need next; Apps! Yes apps are the whole fun. These little softwares provide games, programs and a whole lot more that will make your iPhone experience fun and interactive. Here is a look at the top 5 apps that are trending right now for the iPhone 5.

  •       The PhotoShop Touch:


                                                The PhotoShop Touch app was introduced last year both for the iPad and the iPod and now has made its way to the iPhone 5. It offers a lot of features that are way much superior to those provided by other photo editing apps. It has better imaging effects than that of Instagram. Options that will apply touch ups, gradients or warp effects provide greater creativity options. This app is a must have for those who are obsessive picture editors.

  •    Cinemagram

This is yet another exciting app that has been taken up by Nokia as well for its Lumia series. This feature allows you to take video clips and allows you to edit them in a really great way. It also gives a wide range of effects, included animations that will put life and creativity in your videos. It will turn your iPhone 5 into a great video editor as well. Plus it’s easy to use.

  •         Tiny Wings:

This game is an additive one touch control flier that has been the past time of millions since its 2011 launch. Now its designer has released a new version that has added fun elements and new game play modes that make this game now more interactive. This game will get rid of your boredom quite easily.

  •    SongPop:SongPop is an interactive game that allows you to pit your musical knowledge against your friends. You can design playlists and use them in a contest against your friends, or you can use custom playlists that are already there. It is immensely popular on Facebook and now is available for iPhone apps as well.
  • Tweetbot:

Tweetbot is an app that will make your Twitter experience smooth as silk. It does nothing unique, but with its cute little icons and interactive interface, this app will make using Twitter a dream from your iPhone 5.

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