You can now add a description to your Twitter pics to help the visually impaired ‘see’


The Internet offers a wealth of knowledge at our fingertips. Unfortunately, some ®people don’t have as easy access to that information as others. Twitter is hoping to help change that, and is making it easier for those with visual impairments to be a part of the Twitter community.

While Braille-based technology has worked with Twitter posts so far, images have been largely ignored. As of today, you will be able to add descriptions for images using the Android or iOS version of the app, helping the visually impaired get a sense of what the image is about despite not being able to see it.

You have as many as 420 characters to provide an image description that gives details of the image itself. Those descriptions, also known as alt text, will then be readable by screen readers, which is what the visually impaired use to read Web pages.

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